Maple graded questions allow you to access the full capabilities of Maple within your question. This is an enormous topic, and we only aim here to introduce some of the capabilities, as well as some necessary caveats when working with questions of this type.

Typical uses for Maple grading include questions with a significant reliance on linear algebra, questions where you seek to test the properties of a function returned by students in an assignment. A number of examples are included in the Demo Class Question Bank
that should be present in your MyUni class. In examining these questions it will become clear that constructing such content requires a significant familiarity with both the syntax and the capabilities of Maple. There are many useful introductions to Maple available (see the Maplesoft website, for example, but many academic sites also produce introductory literature, and there are several books available in the Barr Smith Library that are extremely helpful in learning Maple).

[[Much more to come here...]]