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Derivatives as linear operators.

Because partial derivatives are co-ordinate dependent they are not a particularly useful way of thinking about derivatives if we want to move to a co-ordinate independent setting such as differentiable manifolds. It is more useful to think of the derivative of a function $ f \colon U \to
\mathbb{R}$ at $ x$ as a linear map

$\displaystyle df(x) \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$

defined by

$\displaystyle df(x)(v) = \left.
\frac{d \phantom{t} }{ dt} ( t \mapsto f(x + tv))\right\vert _{t=0}.

We think of this as the rate of change of $ f$ at $ x$ in the direction of $ v$. For smooth functions $ df(x)$ is linear. Note that $ df(x)$ is akin to the notion of a directional derivative but we do not require that $ v$ is of unit length. We can recover the partial derivatives from this definition by applying the linear operator $ df(x)$ to the vector $ e^i$. The result, $ df(x)(e^i)$, is just the $ i$th partial derivative of $ f$ at $ x$.

Similarly if $ f\colon U \to
\mathbb{R}^m$ then we define a linear map

$\displaystyle df(x) \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m


$\displaystyle df(x)(v) = \left.
\frac{d \phantom{t} }{ dt} ( t \mapsto f(x + tv))\right\vert _{t=0}.

As a linear map we can expand $ df(x)$ in a basis and we recover the Jacobian matrix

$\displaystyle df(x)(e^i) = \sum_{j=1}^m \partial _i f^j e^j.

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Michael Murray