Comment periodic Burgers-like, infinite-D coord transform. Written in Reduce, see AJR, 11 Jun 2019; on div; off allfac; on revpri; clear sum; operator xx; depend xx,t; let df(xx(~i),t)=>sub(j=i,dxxjdt); operator a; write "a(j) for eigenvalues alpha_j"; operator b; write "b(j,k)=k*(j-k)"; let b(j,j-~k)=>b(j,k); factor o; operator sum; linear sum; let df(sum(~a,~b),~t)=>sum(df(a,t),b); operator d; write "d(j,k)=1/(-a(j)+a(k)+a(j-k))=1/(n^2+2*j*k-2k^2)"; write "d(j,k,l)=1/(-a(j)+a(k)+a(l-k)+a(j-l)) =1/2/(n^2+j*l+k*l-k^2-l^2)"; let { d(j,k)*a(k) => 1-d(j,k)*(-a(j)+a(j-k)) , d(j,k,l)*a(k) => 1-d(j,k)*(-a(j)+a(l-k)+a(j-l)) }; write "Linear approx evolution"; xj:=xx(j); dxxjdt:=a(j)*xx(j); write "Quadratic solution shape"; let o^2=>0;% order of error xj:=xj+o/2*sum(b(j,k)*(d(j,k)*t-d(j,k)^2)*xx(k)*xx(j-k),k); resj:=-df(xj,t)+a(j)*xj +o*t/2*sum(b(j,l)*sub(j=l,xj)*sub(j=j-l,xj),l); resj:=sub(l=k,resj); write "However, zero divisors occur in d(j,k) =1/(-a(j)+a(k)+a(j-k)) =1/(n^2+2*j*k-2k^2). But not for odd n. For even n>0, find that zero divisors come from all the factors of n^2/2 since divisor=0 rewrites as k(k-j)=n^2/2. Both the positive and negative factors contribute. For example, n=2 gives n^2/2=2 with factors 2,1 and -2,-1 and 1,2 and -1,-2. So zero divisor for k=2,j=1 and k=-2,j=-1 and k=1,j=-1 and k=-1,j=1."; write "Cubic manifold shape---pv. zero divisors are avoided in the quadratic terms by perhaps requiring n be odd."; let o^3=>0;% order of error resj:=-df(xj,t)+a(j)*xj +o*t/2*sum(b(j,l)*sub(j=l,xj)*sub(j=j-l,xj),l)$ depend k,kl; depend l,kl; resj:=(resj where sum(~~a*sum(~b,~l),~k)=>sum(a*b,kl))$ resj:=(resj where sum(~b,l)=>sum(sub(l=k,b),k))$ resj:=(resj where sum(~a,kl)=>sum(sub(l=j-l,a),kl) when df(a,xx(l)) neq 0)$ write "Extract the coefficient of X(j-l)X(l-k)X(k)"; rhsjkl:=(resj where sum(~a,kl) => coeffn( coeffn( coeffn( a,xx(k),1) ,xx(j-l),1) ,xx(l-k),1)); write "Iterative soln of ODE for coeff---zero divisors excluded"; cjkl:=0; for it:=1:9 do begin write resc:=d(j,k,l)*(rhsjkl-df(cjkl,t))-cjkl; cjkl:=cjkl+resc; if resc=0 then write "success ",it:=10000+it; end; cjkl:=cjkl; write "Update the xj"; xj:=xj+sum(cjkl*xx(j-l)*xx(l-k)*xx(k),kl); write "But some RHS resonante and so must be in the evolution instead. Need definite r so set ",n:=1, "Explore coefficients to a max wavenumber of ",maxj:=10, "The negative j cases are the same with k, l, j-l and l-k all also changed sign. It looks like that to get dxx(j) correct then we need maxj=j+3, but could be different for n>1, guess perhaps maxj=j+3*n?"; r:=n^2; o:=1; % remove order symbol factor xx; % to get substitution have to change variables! rhsjkl:=(rhsjkl where { b(l,k)=>kk*(ll-kk) , b(j,l)=>ll*(jj-ll) , d(l,k)=>1/(r+2*ll*kk-2*kk^2) })$ % Now sum over all contributions to dXj/dt array dxx(maxj); for j:=0:maxj do write dxx(j):= (r-j^2)*xx(j)+ for k:=-maxj:maxj sum for l:=-maxj:maxj sum if n^2+j*l+k*l-k^2-l^2=0 then sub({jj=j,kk=k,ll=l},rhsjkl)*xx(j-l)*xx(l-k)*xx(k) else 0; end;